Saturday 22 March 2014

The Big Bang, Inflation and BICEP2

17th March 2014 marked a historic day in cosmology. The team working on the BICEP2 experiment at the South Pole announced their results, which confirmed detection of the first direct evidence of the theory of the origin of our universe, the so-called ‘cosmological inflation’. This was immediately followed by shock and awe in the scientific community worldwide, with the media covering this discovery extensively. So what exactly is the inflationary model of the universe and why is this discovery so ground breaking? Let’s try and find out!

To understand any model that describes our universe, it is essential to treat space and time as a unified set of coordinates, known as ‘spacetime’. Here, time is treated simply as a coordinate, in addition to (x, y, z) that we already use to describe the three dimensional space. Thus, spacetime has 4 coordinates, (t, x, y, z). Another key ingredient that aids in forming models of the universe is the cosmological principle. This states that the universe appears to be roughly ‘homogenous and isotropic’, i.e. it appears roughly uniform in any and every direction in space that we look. Now that the basics are in place, we can proceed to track the models that describe the evolution of our universe.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble made a landmark discovery. Using his fairly sophisticated telescope, he observed that all the galaxies seemed to be moving away from us, and further the galaxy was situated, faster it was receding away from us. Tracking back this behaviour, one can easily conclude that all the galaxies must have been very close to each other in the past, quite possibly even condensed into a single blob of matter, and were suddenly flung outwards. This would result in every galaxy moving away from each other today. This can be understood by considering the following example: Imagine you have a deflated balloon, and you mark small dots on its surface with a marker. When you start inflating the balloon, you would notice that all the dots are receding away from each other. This is what the ‘big bang theory’ postulated. That all the visible matter was once condensed into a single entity, and a ‘bang’ resulted in everything that we see today moving away from each other.

This model, however, had its own problems. The most pressing one was that the universe looks roughly the same in every direction that we look. Comparing the distances between the farthest galaxies in the east direction with the farthest ones in west, we conclude that the distance between them is too large for light to have travelled from one galaxy to another (the speed of light being a universal constant) in the known lifetime of our universe (roughly 14 billion years). Thus, the 2 galaxies could never have been in causal contact! Despite this, why do they still appear homogenous? This is almost like a situation in which you encounter an alien flying in from a galaxy far, far away, and that they look exactly the same as us humans, sharing the same DNA! You would immediately be tempted to think that our species must have been in contact at some time in the past to account for the striking similarities. The big bang failed to explain how these two patches of the sky were causally connected at one point in time. This is where the inflationary model came to the rescue.

A timeline showing the evolution of our universe. Inflation exponentially expands the space in a very short period of time.

The inflationary model was initially proposed by Alan Guth in 1980, and further refined by Andrei Linde, Andreas Albrecht and Paul Steinhardt. Cosmological inflation is the sudden exponential expansion of space with the expansion rate being greater than the speed of light, when the universe was just 10-36 seconds old. This inflation continued till about 10-32 seconds, but in this short period of time the universe had grown drastically in size. The energy scales at which the inflation model operates determine these time scales. Higher the energy, smaller the time scale at which it acts. Following the end of inflation, the universe continued to expand, but at a much smaller rate. A direct consequence of this model was that parts of the universe could have been connected in the past, and as a result of exponential expansion of space, they appear to never have been in contact when observed today. This beautifully explained why the universe looks homogenous and isotropic!

Einstein’s General Relativity predicted that this sudden expansion of the universe must give rise to something known as ‘gravitational waves’. I urge you to look it up, as they are extremely fascinating. These waves should be neatly imprinted in the remnant of the big bang that is observable today, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.

The BICEP2 experiment remarkably observed these gravitational waves in the CMB, thus providing the first direct evidence of cosmological inflation. This is the reason why there has been pandemonium in the scientific community over the past week, as this strongly supports our models of the beginning of the universe. This is a huge leap in our understanding of its origin and evolution! Even though their findings look quite comprehensive at first glance, several experiments all around the world are rushing to confirm their results. When confirmed by several other experiments, a Nobel Prize is guaranteed! The only question is, will the theorists who proposed the model or the team that discovered the signatures receive it. In either case, this is an amazing leap for human understanding of our universe and demonstrates the amazing capabilities of current science and technology.

The sun sets behind BICEP2 (in the foreground) and the South Pole Telescope (in the background). (Steffen Richter, Harvard University)

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